
东莞市彬艺五金塑胶有限公司 位于中国广东东莞小五金名镇长安.我厂始建于2003年,是一家集产品开发、设计、生产、销售于一体的生产与加工企业。建厂以来,全厂人员艰苦奋斗、努力开拓,使企业得到了蓬勃发展。目前厂区占地面积达到7500平方米,职工人数110人,管理人员16人,工厂自创建以来,以质量求生存;以诚信求稳定;以创新求发展为公司宗旨。 主营产品:金属工艺礼品摆件;铸铜徽章;纪念奖章,纪念币奖牌;立体匙扣挂饰;手饰项链,箱包手袋五金,家具五金配件,服饰配件皮带扣,商标铭牌等. 公司目标:让产品成为客户信赖和喜爱,达到客我双赢,没有不好的客户,只有不好的服务为服务方针。现已同许多知名品牌(如:CELIO*、harry、 vogue、weibao、 La pargay,E.XUN, and APPLE)等达成了共同建立长期而友好的合作关系。 established in 2003, is a manufacturing enterprise which integrates with developing, designing, producing and trading. With all staff’s efforts, it’s blooming since the factory was founded. At present, it covers 7500 square meters .We have 110 workers and 16 management staff. Our asset is more than 5 million RMB. “Strategy of survival through quality; strategy of stability through trust; strategy of development of innovation” is our principle. Our product line: all kinds of large scale die-casting, hardware & plastic pressing mould, Garment and shoes accessories, Bag & handbag accessories, Acts, Electronicial toy gifts. (Such as alloy button-snap button, nylon button; Belt button-iron button, brass button,; Bag accessories-hook, all kinds of puller; Jewelry – bracelet, brooch; all kinds of waist-belt with different size. Also, we have built long-term and friendly cooperation relationship with many famous bands such as ELAND, YZC Vogue, CELIO La pargay,E.XUN, and APPLE. Our goal: Our products become the customer’s favorable product on the basis of mutual benefit. We offer good service for the customers. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:广东东莞市长安镇厦岗第四工业区新业南街7号 浙ICP备17016739号-4
